CALLS have been made to repair a pavilion building at a Southampton recreation ground after being plagued by vandalism and antisocial behaviour.

Graffiti, criminal damage and litter are just some of the issues faced by those who use Veracity Recreational Ground in Peartree.

The Veracity Trust is calling on more to be done to repair the building and make it fit for community use once again, stating that Active Nation - the leisure operating sub-contractor under Places for People - have "failed".

Chair of the Trust, Eamonn Keogh, told the Daily Echo that the building was subject to vandalism in the Spring of 2020 and that antisocial behaviour has plagued the building since.

Last weekend, the building was subject to another attack.

He added: "[We are] disappointed by the failure of Active Nation to repair the Pavilion building on the Veracity as they had agreed to do and as a part of their responsibilities under the leisure agreement with Southampton City Council.

"The Trust and a local community group have been urging Active Nation to work with them to bring the building back into community use.

"The building was subject to vandalism in the spring of 2020 and continues to be impacted by anti social behaviour."

A spokesperson from Southampton City Council confirmed that the building is leased to the Council’s main leisure contractor Places for People who have an underlease with the leisure operating sub-contractor, Active Nation.

The Council, Active Nation and Places for people all have some building-related responsibilities but general repairs will normally be arranged by Active Nation and/or Places for People.

They also confirmed that the building has a history for vandalism and that Active Nation received reports of further damage this weekend via its out of hours system.

The building was boarded up and rectified the same day.

Places for People and Active Nation have arranged remedial works, which are due to take place in September.

Cllr Steven Galton, Cabinet Member for Environment, said: “This kind of behaviour and criminal damage is not acceptable, and we encourage anyone with information to report it to the police.”

Active Nation were contacted for a comment but they did not respond.