SOME of Southampton's most prominent monuments and memorials have been cleaned in an effort to preserve the area's heritage and history.

Southampton City Council’s Citywide Task Team have been working with colleagues in Cultural Services over several months to prepare for the sensitive steam-cleaning of some of the city's monuments.

Based in Southampton's historically important, Grade II listed parks and open spaces the items of special historic interest have been cleaned using a DOFF low pressure and high temperature cleaning system that reduces the risk of eroding the stonework, preserving them for the future.

Some of the monuments and statues that have been DOFF cleaned include the Bargate Lions pedestals, Palmerston Statue, Queen Victoria Golden Jubilee Fountain, Ransom Fountain and the Citizens of Southampton Monument.

Councillor Spiros Vassiliou, Cabinet Member for Communities, Culture & Heritage comments: “The monuments and memorials that stand tall in our parks and open spaces really are some of the jewels in the city’s crown. Making sure that they are invested in to benefit local residents, as well as supporting our 2025 City of Culture bid is incredibly important.

“We are proposing over £6m investment in our heritage assets to restore and bring them back to life for residents and visitors to the city to enjoy.

“Thank you to our City Services and Cultural Services teams for your hard work, the monuments look fantastic.”

Other monuments that have been cleaned are the Queen Victoria Diamond Jubilee Fountain, the Cenotaph glass Memorial Wall and stone plinths, Monument to the men, woman and children of Southampton WW11, Isaac Watts Statue, Richard Andrews Statue, Melly Fountain, William Chamberlain Gas Column, Holy Rood Church Chancel and Cross House Road.