A SEARCH for homes to house refugees from Afghanistan has begun in Southampton.

Over 15,000 people have been evacuated from Afghanistan since August 13 including more than 8,000 former Afghan staff and their family members.

Following the Taliban’s takeover of the capital, Kabul, the government committed to resettling 20,000 people from the country in the UK over the next five years.

And now a search has been launched in Southampton for homes in which families can be housed and start to build a new life.

Southampton City Council says it is working with local partners, including the University of Southampton, landlords and the voluntary sector, as well as regional partners and national government, to provide safe sanctuary for evacuees.

The authority has now made calls for private landlords in the city to help the cause in rehoming some of those who fled.

Leader of the council, Cllr Daniel Fitzhenry, said: “I’d like to thank local charities, agencies and the people of Southampton who have once again stepped up with donations and offers of help to those in need – your kindness is already changing lives.

“I’d now like to see if we can make a lasting difference by providing homes for families who had to flee their country after helping ours.

“Unfortunately the council does not have houses available from its own housing stock so I would like to make a rallying call to private landlords in the city who may have affordable three or four-bedroom family homes available to rent, and who would like to help, to get in touch with us by emailing afghan.housing@southampton.gov.uk.”

The council says most of the evacuees have been working for the British Armed Forces which has put their lives and those of their families at risk.

Under the Afghan Relocations and Assistance Policy, the evacuees will be allowed to stay in the UK indefinitely.

They will also be eligible for government-funded school places as well as health care in the areas they are relocated to.

This comes as the county council has also pledged its support to rehoming Afghans with the authority saying it is “working closely” with key partners, and the Home Office to assist families.