PLANNING chiefs have approved an application that aims to improve broadband speeds in a Hampshire town.

Toob Ltd has been given permission to install a gigabit full fibre broadband cabinet on a small area of public space at the junction of Eling Lane and Winsor Road in Totton.

Totton and Eling Town Council supported the application.

In a letter to New Forest District Council it cited local and national planning policies that aim to support improvements to broadband speeds.

It added: "The structure will not be in close proximity to residential properties. It will have a camouflage screen surrounding it to lessen the visual impact from the highway."

The application prompted one letter of support and one of objection.

A report to district councillors said: "As with most infrastructure projects, the design is purely functional to the cabinet's purpose, with issues of safety and security of greater importance than aesthetics.

"The loss of the open space and visual impact of the cabinet will not significantly alter or harm the character of the area.

"Totton and the surrounding area does not currently benefit from full fibre broadband speeds that the facility will offer.

"The benefits of the development to the local economy and local residents in terms of improved telecommunication systems, broadband speed and reliability of connection outweigh the impacts of loss of open space and the visual impact of a

large and utilitarian structure.