A CELEBRATION of looked-after children and care-leavers has been launched in Southampton.

On Monday, the city council launched Love our Children Week, a celebration and showcase of the talents, abilities and creativity of the city’s children-in-care and care leavers.

Put together in partnership with young people, the programme of events has been taking place across the city this week.

They include a small invitation-only street food market showcasing the culinary talents of young people in the city, the launch of a cook-book specially produced by young people in collaboration with Masterchef winner Shelina Permalloo, and a football match between staff and young people.

The council is also holding specialised training sessions and providing new resources for staff to help further improve the support it provides to looked-after children and ensure they are given the best possible chance for their future.

Cllr Peter Baillie, Cabinet Member for Children’s Social Care, said: “It’s important for everyone - not just at the council but anybody who plays a part in making decisions for young people in Southampton - to recognise the special and important responsibility that comes with being a corporate parent.

"We’re pleased that we’ve been able to bring together this exciting celebration of the talents and achievements of our looked after children and care leavers, but we know that there is more work to do to further improve the support they receive.

"That’s why we’ll continue listening to them, working with them and making their needs a priority as they make the transition to adulthood.”

The scheme was launched on Monday with Cllr Peter Baillie (Cabinet Member for Children's Social Care) and Rob Henderson (Executive Director, Wellbeing - Children and Learning) among those attending who pledged the council’s commitment to providing the "best possible support and care to young people as ‘corporate parents’".

A corporate parent is the name given to an organisation or person that has responsibilities to children in care.