A DISGUSTING tide of filth dumped by fly-tippers has turned a Southampton carpark into a rubbish dump.

Bags of rotting food, clothes, toys and other household items are just some objects scattered at Woodmill Lane carpark near Riverside Park.

The rubbish has piled up around the recycling bins leaving broken glass and trails of filth across the area, which is regularly used by families and dog-walkers.

Now calls have been made for residents to “dispose of their waste responsibly”by making use of waste depots.

Bitterne Park councillor, Ivan White, said: “I think people believe that if they dump it there, the council will collect it. Some people haven’t realised that it isn’t up to us to keep going round collecting overspill.”

Daily Echo: Fly-tipped rubbish left in the Woodill carpark on Westridge Road.

Whilst fellow ward councillor for the area Rob Harwood added: “City Services have been asked to clear this. Unfortunately this is becoming all too common at Riverside.

“There are a criminal and anti-social minority who think it is acceptable to dump their rubbish illegally, at a fantastic amenity like Riverside Park, which is cherished by the local community.”

The area has proven to be a “hotspot” for fly-tippers with multiple reports of dumped rubbish in recent years.

Now councillor Harwood says he is in discussions with officers about installing a street lamp in the car park with a CCTV camera to enable evidence to be gathered for successful prosecutions.

It is hoped these will be installed by the end of the year.

Daily Echo: Fly-tipped rubbish left in the Woodill carpark on Westridge Road.

Cabinet Member for Environment, Cllr Steven Galton added that fly-tipping is on the increase nationally, but that the council is taking action “to tackle and target those who think it is acceptable to blight our local communities”.

“We are expanding and adding additional resourcing to the teams who investigate fly-tipping and are looking to increase prosecutions; to send a clear message - it is not acceptable to dump your waste on Southampton’s streets or open spaces.

“We’re determined to secure convictions against the small number of individuals that repeatedly and systematically fly tip.

“This small minority cause frustration and anger with the vast majority of residents that dispose of their rubbish and unwanted items in a socially responsible and environmentally friendly way.”

“Now is a good time to remind everyone of the ‘duty of care’ when employing a waste carrier to clear rubbish. Please make sure they are a licensed, if they aren’t then you may be responsible for them dumping your rubbish – despite paying to have it cleared.”