TWO large mosaics created by residents have been unveiled in Southampton.

On October 14, the mosaics were unveiled in Townhill Park and Harefield completing the ‘Mosaic Way’ community art project.

Residents across Townhill Park, Harefield and Midanbury have been involved in the project over the past two years alongside SO18 Big Local, TWICS and community artists Gillian Jeffery and Will Rosie, Southampton's very own 'Mr Mosaic'.

The mosaics are just the latest additions to over 60 mosaic tiles, creating a trail around the area and road signs with mosaic images which were digitised so they could be transferred with every detail intact.

Daily Echo: Two large mosaics were unveiled in Townhill Park and Harefield.Two large mosaics were unveiled in Townhill Park and Harefield.

To celebrate the unveiling and the completion of Mosaic Way, an event took place at Townhill Park with SO18 Big Local Partnership Committee, TWICS Trustees, local Councillors, Southampton City Council officers and the community artists and residents involved.

Starting with the first unveiling at Townhill Park Community Centre, attendees were taken on a short tour of the individual pieces of nearby artwork.

Shortly after, the second large mosaic was unveiled at Harefield on Exford Avenue with both representing the boundary shape of the neighbourhood and feature recognisable landmarks, buildings and local wildlife.

SO18 Big Local Chair, Kim Ayling said: “I have loved watching residents come together to learn new skills and make new friends. This project has been about more than art but about reducing isolation and loneliness in our community over the last 18 months, at a time when we have felt more disconnected than ever."

Daily Echo: Two large mosaics were unveiled in Townhill Park and Harefield.Two large mosaics were unveiled in Townhill Park and Harefield.

Mosaic Way originated in conversations following a project supporting residents to “adopt” and design then paint a bollard on Kingsdown Way.

Councillor Daniel Fitzhenry, Leader of Southampton City Council, attended the unveiling of the Townhill Park mosaic and added: “It’s a privilege to be at the unveiling of this great mosaic in Townhill Park. The mosaic brings together all the things the local community feel and are proud of about their local area whilst highlighting their creativity and how much their local area means to them."