CONTROVERSIAL plans to build up to 57 homes in a Hampshire village will be examined at a public inquiry next month.

Foreman Homes angered people living in the Titchfield area by submitting an application to redevelop a four-hectare site south of the Bellfield housing estate.

The Park Gate-based company said 40% of the scheme would comprise affordable housing.

But the proposal was rejected by Fareham Borough Council last year after sparking almost 140 objections, including one from a conservation watchdog group.

Members of the Fareham Society said people living in the area would suffer a "substantial loss of amenity" if the scheme went ahead.

They also cited the potential impact of the proposed development on the Grade II-listed buildings at Posbrook Farm.

A design and access statement that formed part of the application said the proposal successfully responded to the character of the area. It also maintained a clear gap between Great Posbrook and Titchfield as well as providing a bird conservation area.

A report to councillors conceded that the scheme was smaller than a previous plan and would not extend as far into the Lower Meon Valley.

But it said the new housing would have an adverse impact on the landscape and would make it "harder to understand" that Great Posbrook was originally a separate farmstead.

The report added: "Officers acknowledge that the proposal could deliver up to 57 dwellings in the short term.

"The contribution the scheme would make towards boosting the borough's housing supply is a substantial material consideration.

"In addition the proposals include the provision of affordable housing. Added to this is the additional jobs and expenditure in the locality arising from construction activity and the completed development itself."

But the report said the bird conservation area and a proposed new footpath were mitigation measures which would offset the harm caused by the overall scheme.

It added: "The combination of the harm caused to the character and appearance of this valued landscape, and the setting of Great Posbrook farmstead and its associated listed buildings, outweigh the benefits."

A public notice published by the council says Foreman's appeal against the decision will be heard at a public inquiry that is due to start on December 7.

Other public notices:

Southampton City Council is closing part of Bellemoor Road from December 2 (9.30am-2.30pm) to allow drainage surveys to be carried out. The works are due to be completed by December 3.

Clive Joyner, trading as Forest Homes Development Ltd of 9/10 Merriemeade Parade, Beaulieu Road, Dibden Purlieu, is applying for permission to use Pumpfield Farm, Hythe Road, Marchwood, as an operating centre for two goods vehicles.

Brodie Harris, trading as B Harris Surfacing Ltd, of 181 Manor Farm Road, Southampton, is applying for a licence to use 2 Bridge Cottages, Shamble Hurst Lane North, Hedge End, as an operating centre for two goods vehicles and two trailers.

Cardinal Maritime Ltd, trading as FAR Logistics Transport Limited of Leestone Road, Sharston Industrial Area, Manchester, is applying for permission to add an operating centre to keep five goods vehicles and five trailers at DHL Tradeteam, 3 Nutsey Lane, Totton.