PLANS for a new drive-thru restaurant in a busy supermarket car park have been met with stark objection.

Euro Garages is looking to erect a new eatery in the grounds of the Chandler's Ford Asda off Bournemouth Road.

But two local residents have already publicly objected – fearing that the already-congested area will become "stacked" with cars.

David Lange, of Meadow Grove, wrote to Eastleigh Borough Council: "When considering this application, Eastleigh Borough Council should familiarise themselves with the traffic congestion already present with cars regularly 'stacked' in a stationary line at the Hedge End McDonald's drive thru. This is caused solely due to the restricted size of the car park, lack of capacity and, congestion caused at the roundabout near to this site.

Plans for a new drive-thru restaurant in the car park of Chandlers Ford Asda. Photo: Eastleigh Borough Council/Euro Garages

Plans for a new drive-thru restaurant in the car park of Chandler's Ford Asda. Photo: Eastleigh Borough Council/Euro Garages

"The pollution levels from these stationary vehicles must also be in excess of current permitted standards. The nearby associated retail/industrial parks also add to the traffic pollution.

"Siting the proposed building in the car park at Asda Chandlers Ford, presents the same problems namely, the building sited in a restricted area, the weaving road layout, one way system here, the vicinity to the store entrance, the major roundabout on the highway, delivery entrance, car wash entrance, click and collect location and petrol station. A recipe for the same congestion and excessive pollution levels."

Residents have taken to social media, with most speculating that McDonald's will occupy the restaurant if the scheme is approved.

But when the Echo contacted Euro Garages, owned by Blackburn's billionaire Issa brothers, the company refused to provide any further details on the application.

The plans look to site the restaurant near the car park entrance stemming from the roundabout that connects Templars Way, Chestnut Avenue and Bournemouth Road.

Emma Stafford, who works nearby, said: "This is ridiculous! If it was at the back of the carpark it wouldn't be so bad but having it towards the entrance will cause absolute bedlam.

"Where they're all super close to a roundabout in Hedge End, the traffic backs right up in all directions! It can already be bad at this roundabout in Eastleigh so it is going to get even worse by having a KFC right inside a carpark entrance. What are they thinking?

"This will cause traffic chaos and more pollution from the cars sat in the traffic. I may not live nearby but i work in close proximity and use this Asda on a weekly basis!"