TOP 25 accountancy firm, Menzies LLP, is set to exceed its fundraising target of £50,000 for Macmillan Cancer Support by the end of the December, after two years of corporate social responsibility (CSR) activities.   

The firm, which has offices in Fareham and Farnborough as well as in  Surrey,  London and Cardiff, has been working with Macmillan since the start of 2020.

While previously, The Menzies Charitable Foundation has supported a number of smaller charities, local to its different offices, it chose the cancer support charity last year to allow all staff to support a meaningful cause, no matter where they were located.   

Alongside Macmillan coffee mornings, some of the fundraising activities undertaken across the firm included a “Cyberhood Watch”, which involved fining employees for common scenarios on video calls, such as being interrupted by a family member, or being on mute unnecessarily.

People also took part in charity walks and runs, including the London Landmark 10K, and a 100km dog walk, which took place throughout November.  

To push the total over the £50,000 mark, fundraising activities will continue through the month of December. 

These include a festive food festival, taking place across each of the firm’s offices.   

Stephen Pritchard, head of CSR at Menzies LLP, said:  “We are proud to have been able to partner with Macmillan Cancer Support over the past two years.    

“Given the challenging circumstances of the pandemic, raising such a significant amount for a charity that does such important work feels like a great achievement. We received a lot of positive feedback from our people when the partnership was announced and it’s heart-warming to work for a company that cares so deeply about others.”    

Owain Rees, relationship fundraising manager at Macmillan Cancer Support, said:  “It has been an absolute pleasure to work with Menzies LLP. Our partnership started at the beginning of last year and by the end of 2021, will have raised in excess of £50,000 to support people affected by cancer.    

“We at Macmillan are incredibly thankful for money Menzies have raised over the past two years. Unfortunately, cancer is something that will touch most families at some point, so for us to be able to continue our work in supporting those that need us is all down to the time and energy of people like the team at Menzies.”