AN URGENT plea is being made by Southampton's biggest hospital for the return of walking frames in a bid to help get patients home in time for Christmas.

University Hospital Southampton (UHS) has told of their struggles as the hospital suffers a huge shortage of walking frames.

UHS usually has around 60 frames available for patients. There are currently only three.

The walking frame amnesty is being launched in response to a national shortage of the frames, which are critical to enabling some patients to leave hospital and return home safely with the support of a mobility aid.

The hospital has said that if they are unable to provide patients with an appropriate frame it could delay their discharge from hospital, while also putting additional pressure on the number of available hospital beds.

Frames being returned need to be in good condition so they can easily be used again – meaning they are not bent or fractured and there is no evidence of significant wear and tear. They also need to be cleaned before being returned or collected.

Anna Howlett, specialist occupational therapist at UHS, said: “This is a critical situation that could literally prevent a patient from being discharged home from hospital this Christmas. This in turn has a knock-on effect on the number of hospital beds we have available for patients who are sick and really need them.

“We are calling on everyone who has a hospital-issued walking frame at home that no longer needs it, to arrange for it to be returned urgently."

The hospital’s Patient Support Hub is supporting the amnesty and people can contact them directly to arrange to drop off the frames – or for them to be collected if needed – by calling 0800 484 0135.

Collections can be arranged with volunteer drivers Monday-Friday between 10am and 4pm.

Those who are able to return frames to the hospital can deliver them to the Patient Support Hub Pod – based in the Old Nurses Building opposite the Emergency Department entrance – as long as you have made arrangements with the team in advance.

This service is available on weekends between 10am and 4pm or in the evening between 4pm and 7pm.