WHETHER it's your very own 'Santa Paws' or a guinea pig dressed as an elf, you've really outdone yourselves this year. 

We're publishing pictures of your adorable animals in their festive finest in the Daily Echo and online each day this week and today we've got some Christmas crackers for you. 

Jug Zeus is on standby to help Father Christmas, guinea pig Alfie is mesmerised by the bright lights on the tree and we have three moggies who are all covered head to paws in tinsel.

All five of our readers pets are certainly making us all smile as the big day fast approaches. 

Daily Echo:

ZEUS the Southampton Jug is on standby to deliver presents to all the children around the world, just in case Father Christmas has to go into isolation. You could call him Santa Paws!

Daily Echo:

IT'S Alfie the guinea pig's first Christmas in Southampton. He just loves looking at the pretty lights on the tree!

Daily Echo:

DENNIS is another festive pet from Southampton. He loves to help decorate the tree but always ends up snuggled in the tinsel.

Daily Echo:

MAC the Southampton Maine Coon is feeling festive! Every year he gets in the box of tinsel and refuses to get out!

Daily Echo:

HERE'S Teddy hiding in the Christmas tree. The gorgeous black cat just can't take his eyes off the festive lights.