More than 400 guests from the best in Hampshire's amateur theatrical world turned out at St Mary's Stadium to celebrate the Daily Echo Annual Curtain Call Awards

Best Newcomer: Lucy Baldwin for The Boyfriend. Southampton Musical Society.

Best Supporting Actor in a Drama: Lewis Bailey for The Crucible. One Off Productions.

Best Supporting Actress in a Drama: Kate Bunce for Dancing in Lughnasa. RAODS.

Best Supporting Actor in a Musical or Opera: Sam Lee for The Boyfriend. Southampton Musical Society.

Best Supporting Actress in a Musical or Opera: Caryn Drake for West Side Story. Southampton Musical Society.

Best Supporting Actor in a Comedy or Comic Drama: Shaun Dodimead for Relative Values. RAODS.

Best Supporting Actress in a Comedy or Comic Drama: Andrea Nutt for Lady Frederick. Lymington Players.

Best Supporting Actor in a Youth Production: Steven Lilly for The Wiz. Eastleigh Operatic and Musical Society Junior Section.

Best Supporting Actress in a Youth Production: Lilly Golden for A Bridge To the Stars. Gantry Youth Theatre.

Best Supporting Actor in a Shakespeare Play: Rob Praine for King Lear. Maskers Theatre.

Best Supporting Actress in a Shakespeare Play: Rachel Courage for King Lear. Maskers Theatre.

Best Lighting, Sound and Effects: Tom Williams and Malcolm Brown. Neville's Island. Chesil Theatre.

Best Choreographer: Jill White for Pirates of Penzance. RAODS.

Best Opera / Musical: Pirates of Penzance, RAODS.

Best Musical Director: Martin Paterson. Pirates of Penzance, RAODS.

Best Actor in a Drama: Roger Minors. Albert Make Us Laugh, Swanmore Amateur Dramatic Society.

Best Actress in a Drama: Hazel Burrows for Our Lady of Sligo. Maskers Theatre.

Best Actor in a Musical or Opera: Adrian Hickford. The Pajama Game. Winchester Operatic Society.

Best Actress in a Musical or Opera: Sarah Webber. We Will Rock You. Winchester Students Union and Performing Arts Winchester.

Best Actor in a Comedy or Comic Drama: Richard Calver. Fish Out of Water. Bursledon Players.

Best Actress in a Comedy or Comic Drama: Lesley Nunnerley for Lady Frederick. Hamble Players.

Best Actor in a Youth Production: Richard Spencer for Singing in the Rain. RAODS.

Best Actress in a Youth Production: Hannah Williams for Crazy For You. Encore Youth Theatre.

Best Actor in a Shakespeare Play: John Souter for King Lear. Maskers Theatre.

Best Actress in a Shakespeare Play: Sarah Gedye for The Merchant of Venice. Peter Symonds College.

Best Performance in a Pantomime: Steve Rickman. Little Red Riding Hood, Otterbourne Players.

Best Pantomime: Little Red Riding Hood, Otterbourne Players.

Best Set and Props: Phil Moody and Adam Case for Anything Goes. Eastleigh Operatic Junior Musical Society and Southampton Operatic Society.

Best Costumes: Diane Buck. Hanson and Gretel and The Killing of Sister George. Lyndhurst Drama and Musical Society.

Best Performance in an Opera: David Tatnall. Pirates of Penzance. RAODS.

Best Director of a Drama: Canterbury Tales. RAODS.

Best Director of a Musical or Opera: Liam Meggison. Pirates of Penzance, RAODS.

Best Director of a Comedy / Comic Drama: Kay Baker for The Farndale Avenue Housing Estate Townswomen's Guild Dramatic Society Murder Mystery by Hamble Players.

Best Director of a Youth Production: Kit Stiby Harris. Kiss Me Kate, RicNic Productions.

Best Director of a Shakespeare Play: Ken Hann for King Lear, Maskers Theatre.

Youth Ensemble Award: Us and Them by Oaklands Youth Theatre.

Production of the Year: Pirates of Penzance by RAODS.

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