IT MAY be the warmest New Year's Day on record but 2022 got off to a distinctly chilly start for Hampshire's hardiest swimmers.

The traditional January 1 event at Stokes Bay, Gosport, was cancelled for the second year running following the latest surge in Covid cases.

But many people were determined to celebrate in the time-honoured way by charging into the sea.

About 50 people braved the bracing waters of the Solent by going for a dip off Calshot before emerging to enjoy hot drinks and tasty cakes.

The event represented a personal triumph for Rachel Whitfield, who completed the last of 365 sea swims undertaken over the past 12 months.

Rachel took part in a national fundraising initiative called 365 Sea Swim Challenge, in which people raise money for a charity of their choice by taking part in 365 consecutive swims in all weathers - without wearing a wet suit.

Life-saving organisations along the Hampshire coast kept a close eye on the swimmers in case anyone needed help.

Hill Head Coastguard Rescue Team tweeted: "Out on patrol. Currently keeping an eye on the many people taking a New Year's dip in the Solent."

The swim normally held at Stokes Bay is organised by Gosport and Fareham Inshore Rescue Service.

Posting on social media a few days ago they said: "We have been waiting to see what the final government advice was for events over the New Year period to enable us to plan accordingly and a lot of work has been going on behind the scenes.

"Our absolute priority remains the safety of the public and our ability to continue to operate a lifesaving service.

"With this in mind, and the current rise in Covid infections, we feel the event cannot run as it normally does this year.

"Whilst we understand this will be met with disappointment, we are hoping people can still come down to the beach and enjoy a refreshing start to the year with their families and friends.

Our duty crew will watch over the beach, so if you do head down for a swim please make sure you give them a wave and a smile.

"We are truly going to miss celebrating the New Year with you and the fantastic range of fancy dress that we see every year.

"Hopefully 2023 will see our event back to full capacity."