ADULTS who have grown up without being able to read are being given a fresh chance to pick up the vital skill.

After months of fundraising Read Easy Southampton has launched to help improve lives of adults in the city who cannot read.

The group is an affiliate of Read Easy UK, a national charity that helps people learn to read.

Steve Scovella, who spoke at the launch yesterday, concealed his inability to read until he was in his 40s.

He said: "I started reading when I was 49 years old, and I have been part of Read Easy for six years now.

"It's completely changed my life. It helped me make friends, go shopping or eat out, and have a normal life really."

The ceremony took place at the Mayor's Parlour in Southampton Civic Centre.

The Mayor of Southampton, Councillor Alex Houghton, attended along with the charity's management team, coaches and former students.

The Southampton group was formed in June last year and the team of volunteers has been busy fundraising, recruiting and training coaches - and finding readers to support.

Bosses at the charity estimate there are more than 5,000 adults in the Southampton area who have major problems reading.

So far the group has nine pairs of readers and coaches working their way toward their literacy goals, with many more are in the process of getting started.

Cllr Houghton said: "It is fantastic to be here at the launch of Read Easy Southampton.

"Read Easy is something that is so fundamental.

"Being able to read means so much to everyone, and if you haven't got that skill, it's a real obstacle to leading a relatively normal life.

"I am so pleased that this opportunity is here in our city to support those people that need that bit of extra help to have that confidence to read and bring that skill to them and hopefully change their lives.

"It is a positive initiative, and I am delighted to be here."

The group teams up a student reader with a coach, and they meet twice a week in an approved safe space.

There are no timescales or pressure, and the work is confidential.

Those wishing to learn to read can get help by contacting

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