IT'S been a very nappy new year so far for these five darling newborns and their families.

Despite some bumpy starts for some of our featured babies as they came into the world towards the end of 2021, they're all now happy and healthy at home being doted on by their proud parents and besotted siblings.

ALSO READ: Saints fan born in Portsmouth is among your new arrivals

If you have had a baby this winter and would like to share their photo and your story with Daily Echo readers as part of our regular Thursday column, please get in touch.

You can send everything to us by clicking on the link below or emailing

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BRAVE little Oscar Samuel Holloway is pictured getting a smile from big brother Hunter. The 5lbs 15oz tot spent a little time in Southampton's amazing neonatal unit after arriving six weeks early on December 28.

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LITTLE Ezra Abisayo-Annell was a lovely late Christmas present, arriving at Princess Anne Hospital on December 27, weighing 7lbs 5oz. She's pictured here with her Uncle Jaxson.

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WHAT a cute little elf! Meet 8lbs 5oz Rj Stubbs who arrived in Southampton on December 10 to meet siblings Jade, Luke and Poppy. 

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DARLING Ryah Billings was a month early to the party, born happy and healthy on November 13, weighing in at 3lbs 14oz. 

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DESPITE a bumpy start with a touch of jaundice, 6lbs 14oz Jagger Jaiden White is doing well following his entrance on October 30.