TWO rather handsome Hampshire hedgehogs donning hats are among today's featured pets.

African Pygmys Mollie in a trolley and birthday girl Ziva are joined by heavy snoring American bulldog Prada, mischievous terrier Neville and moggy and Parkour whizz Levi.

ALSO READ: It's a dog's life for your pets

We love featuring our readers adorable animals in our pets column, each and every Saturday in paper and online.

  • If you'd like your furry, feathered, slimy or prickly pet to take centre stage, click on the link below or email

Daily Echo:

HERE'S Mollie in her trolley. Apparently, the two-year-old African Pygmy Hedgehog loves shopping! She's very time consuming but much-loved by her Hampshire family. 

Daily Echo:

ZIVA the African Pygmy Hedgehog is celebrating her first birthday here! She's much loved despite being huffy and prickly! 

Daily Echo:

SHE'S overcome two near death experiences and can snore for England! Meet loyal and loving 12-year-old American bulldog Prada.

Daily Echo:

HERE'S mischievous Wire Haired Fox Terrier Neville who is captured watching his favourite TV show Dogs Behaving (Very) Badly.

Daily Echo:

LOVELY Levi has come all the way from Romania and likes to play with anything that is not intended for him! He's also a whizz at Parkour.