THE number of children being exploited by county lines drug dealers in Hampshire is continuing to rise.

At a Hampshire County Council panel, politicians were told that county lines teams are having to ‘get creative’ to protect exploited youngsters and close drug trafficking routes.

County lines are where a drug dealer distances themselves from the police by using runners to ferry drugs via public transport. These runners are usually children and teenagers.

Hampshire’s area director Sarah Marston said: ‘Hampshire is an importer of drugs, which usually come in from London. Young people are lured in with promises of earning lots of money – we’re talking hundreds of pounds – and maybe that happens the first or second time, but it doesn’t last for long.

‘Instead, they end up being mugged by the very gangs they have joined, which puts them in debt to the dealer. These young people then have no clear escape and end up trapped in this criminal business model.

‘Typically it’s vulnerable young people who are targeted, but it can happen to anyone.’

Currently, there are 369 people in Hampshire known to be linked to county lines.

But this figure is steadily increasing, and Ms Marston warned that parents and teachers need to know the tell-tale signs.

She said: ‘What we are seeing is more young people getting involved in exploitation, and specifically county lines.

‘We get more than 500 pieces of intelligence through each month and every bit of information helps the police to get a full picture of what’s going on.

‘Sometimes that comes from teachers, other times it’s parents or guardians who spot these things.’

Things to look out for include children suddenly coming into a large amount of money – buying expensive things for themselves or other people – becoming reclusive or not explaining who they are meeting up with.

The increase in county lines operation has force local authorities to ‘get creative’ with how they uncover exploitation.

In one recent example, firefighters were called in to inspect a property, where they found evidence of child exploitation.

Hampshire Constabulary’s tactical lead for county lines and drug-related harm, Chief Inspector Ricky Dhanda, said: ‘County lines presents a high risk of significant harm from serious violence and the exploitation of young and vulnerable people – we disrupt and dismantle these networks, to make Hampshire a hostile environment to county lines.

‘The public can help in the fight against drug related harm – and there are a number of signs which may point to that young person or vulnerable adult being exploited.

‘These can include travelling alone, particularly in school hours or late at night. They might be display emotions akin to anxiety, appear to be frightened or angry. You may notice that they are carrying around more than one phone, having lots of cash upon them or having new and expensive gifts or new clothing.

‘Unfortunately there are a myriad of signs that someone may be exploited – but if you, or someone you know, has concerns about that person, please report it to police by calling 101, or by dialling 999 in an emergency.’

People can also report information anonymously via Crimestoppers, by calling 0800 555 111.