VANILLA the rat is among your adored animals.

The animals actually make perfect pets and we're putting one of our reader's rats centre stage today along with four other featured furry friends.

ALSO READ: Hedgehogs in hats among your adored animals

We have a sun worshipping cat and dog, one pup who just can't stop mothering a soft toy hot dog and a German Shepherd cross who is all ready for winter walkies.

If you'd like us to feature your pampered pet, feathered or furred, slimy or scaly, click on the link below or email

Daily Echo:

MUCH-loved Vanilla makes the perfect pet. Rats are smart, clean, low maintenance and loving. 

Daily Echo:

GERMAN Shepherd cross Bear from Midanbury is all ready for winter walkies in his gorgeous red jumper. He rather enjoys collecting branches along the way.

Daily Echo:

CUTENESS overload! Lovely Matilda likes to sunbathe, look cute, have cuddles, play with her fish toy and snore very loudly!

Daily Echo:

HOT dogs are life for pup Jezzabell who treats her very special foodie soft toy like a baby.

Daily Echo:

LILLY is one serious sun-worshipper. She can't wait for warmer weather and plans to spend the summer on a sun lounger.