STAFF and students at Southampton's Richard Taunton Sixth Form College are celebrating an improved Ofsted report.

Inspectors rated the 700 student establishment as 'good' following a recent visit.

A previous inspection, three years ago, had rated the college as 'requires improvement'.

ALSO READ: Weston Park Primary rated good by Ofsted for the first time ever

Following their latest visit, in January, inspectors praised the improvement in the quality of courses and excellent teaching.

Their report also highlighted the support for students from staff, encouragement of students to see themselves as professionals, impeccable behaviour and “a relentless focus on the student experience”.

It said: “Leaders, managers and staff have improved the quality of education for their students since the previous inspection. Staff have worked effectively to ensure their core values of ‘ready, respect and safe’ are central to all they do.”

Principal Paul Swindale said the improvement was down to the hard work of staff, trustees and students.

"I am really delighted with this rating,” he said. “I want to pay tribute to everyone for their tireless efforts in turning the college around and showing the inspectors how passionate we are in making this an inspiring place to learn.”

He said the college, which is now part of the Lighthouse Learning Trust alongside St Vincent’s Sixth Form College in Gosport, benefitted from a programme of staff development to help overhaul its approach to teaching.

Mr Swindale added: “There is no complacency here. It was noted in the report that teachers value the good range of training opportunities and share the goal to become outstanding at what they do, so that all students achieve their full potential.”

The college, which offers full-time A Level and vocational courses for 16-19 year olds, coupled with a number of part-time adult education courses, was said to be a 'calm and harmonious environment'.

The report continued: “Students feel extremely safe at the college. They are confident that if they or their friends had any concerns or problems, staff will support them and take any necessary action swiftly and sensitively.”

Mr Swindale said staff will be focusing on increasing guidance and advice for students who are not planning on going to university and implementing a new work experience strategy as recommended by the report.