“It’s Millbrook, anything can happen.”

These are the words of a woman who is calling for tougher measures to tackle anti-social behaviour in Millbrook.

Lucii Dixon, 31, who lives with her husband and two daughters in a council home in Brendon Green, says that she fears for her family’s safety.

Neighbours say they are also fearful, with attempted break-ins of their homes, bins being stolen and drug-taking in the streets.

But Hampshire police promise officers are “doing everything in our power” to tackle the issues in Millbrook, adding: “We realise the impact it is having on them.”

Lucii said: “Incidents keep happening in this block.

“We have some kids trying to break into the building and are buzzing us and other neighbours. Their parents come and apologise, but this just keeps happening.”

She added: “It’s not nice living with two children and thinking that they are going to do something worse and break into the building; Because it’s Millbrook, they will eventually.”

Joshua, 30, who is also Lucii’s full-time carer, said: “I've put the padlock on my gate for security and someone keeps going through them as quite often there are ripped bin bags and the contents being poured into the bin/floor in the bin area. 

“My wife is disabled, and there are two other people in this block who are also disabled, so answering the door to a bunch of kids that aren’t going to be there is a lot of effort.”

Lucii has a severe spinal condition that causes mobility issues. She and Joshua moved to Brendan Green two years ago.

Meanwhile, another resident who lives opposite Green Park in Millbrook said: “Somebody tried our backdoor to get in. People are dealing drugs or they are smoking marijuana. “Outside our building, children without a licence are driving motorbikes. It is frustrating”

All three residents are now calling for the council and the police to step in and take swift action.

The force says it is taking the issue by using “a variety of powers” including dispersal orders and extra patrols.

They add that more action is being taken on persistent offenders.

Acting sergeant Rhys McCarthy said: “We are doing everything in our power to tackle the issues people in Millbrook are facing and realise the impact it is having on them.

“Please continue to tell us about how it is affecting you.

“This all helps us build an even stronger picture of what is happening so we can be in the right place at the right time.”

A police beat surgery will be taking place on Monday at B&M in Buckland Road between 6pm and 8pm for residents to discuss their concerns in light of recent incidents.

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