JUST look at these gorgeous new arrivals, who are spending their early days enjoying the spring sunshine in Hampshire.

All five of these very special deliveries came into the world in the South's maternity wards, including those at Princess Anne Hospital in Southampton and Winchester's Royal Hampshire County Hospital.

READ MORE: Welcome to the world to these cute Hampshire newborns

They're all now happy and healthy at home in Hampshire, being lovingly cared for by proud parents and besotted siblings.

To have your new addition included in our weekly new arrivals feature in paper and online, click on the link below or email lorelei.reddin@dailyecho.co.uk

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HAPPY and healthy Harriet Batten from Totton arrived 12 days late to the party on March 12, weighing 9lbs 5oz. 

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THAT'S one proud sibling! Here's Isabella Marie Griffiths from Hedge End cuddling up to big brother Blake. She came into the world on February 1 in Winchester, weighing 7lbs 7oz.

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LOVELY little Hunter-James from Hythe is a son for Kimberley Kinch and Reece Cooper. Born in Southampton on February 10, he weighed 6lbs 11oz.

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 MEET 6lbs 9oz Kazi Ameer Islam from Luton who enjoyed a special delivery in Southampton on February 19 when visiting family! 

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HERE'S 7lbs 13oz Louie Hyett at just two days old. A baby brother for Harrison, he was born on January 19.