TAKE a look at our page of lovely newborn babies to brighten up a rather chilly Thursday.

In this regular weekly section of the Southern Daily Echo, we welcome new arrivals into the world - most of whom were born at Princess Anne Hospital (PAH) in Southampton.

These five babies have made their proud Hampshire parents and besotted siblings extremely happy.

READ MORE: The little lovelies among our special deliveries this spring

If you are celebrating the arrival of a newborn and would like to see your child featured in the Daily Echo for free, fill out our simple Q&A form and submit your pictures below or email lorelei.reddin@dailyecho.co.uk

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JUST look at darling Ottilie Kreft, one of Southampton's newest and cutest citizens. She was born on February 11, weighing 6lbs 3oz. 

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RAINBOW baby Teddy Craig Todd from Southampton gets a big hug from big brother Maliki. Also a sibling for Arabella and Neave, he was born at Princess Anne Hospital on March 13 weighing 8lbs 1oz. 


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HERE'S 8lbs Jaxon Avery Wells with his cuddly giraffe. Born in Salisbury on August 1, he's a baby brother for Aria and Finley. 

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WHAT a happy little soul Nevaeh Willow Grace Lunn is. The 7lbs 5oz beauty has four big brothers to take care of her - Leo, Logan, Jax and Rory.

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THIS is beautiful Nelly Grace Pepperell at just 18 hours old. Weighing 7lbs 3oz, she was 13 days late to the party on October 17.