EASTLEIGH political parties have given their views on plans for Southampton Airport's runway expansion as they prepare for the upcoming election. 

Taking place on May 5, the election will see new councillors elected to Eastleigh Borough Council across 14 wards. 

But now - candidates have spoken out on the approved plans to extend the runway, setting out their stance on the controversial scheme. 

Leader of the Liberal Democrat-run council, Cllr Keith House, told the Echo his party supports the expansion. 

He said: "We are working very hard to make sure we save the airport for the future. The airport is very important to the town and has been for decades.

READ MORE: Southampton Airport runway campaigners win right to judicial review

"We want to see prosperity. There clearly was a real risk of it having to close."

The local authority voted to approve the application from the airport last year. 

Cllr House added that it is "unfortunate" that other parties had taken another stance, but that the council has taken environmental concerns "very seriously". 

"It is why we were keen to have a tougher cap on flights. Aviation is improving its technology every year. It is important that aviation does get better.

"The Airport links with the free port application. We hope that is successful."

READ MORE: Campaigners battle on against Southampton Airport runway extension

But Eastleigh Labour, who opposed the expansion back in 2019 slammed the scheme, stating that "we are in a climate emergency". 

Josh Constable, who is the Labour candidate for the Eastleigh Central, said: "The climate cost was simply too high. As reported by the New Economics Foundation, the cost of pollution caused by the expansion will have a net cost of £742,000,000.

"Unlike the Conservatives and Liberal Democrats, Labour are taking the climate crisis seriously, promising real action not just words."

He added that his party is committed to opposing "destructive developments" and taking steps to re-forest and rewild strategic gaps.

"Eastleigh Labour supports the airport as an important transport link and jobs provider but approving the expansion was plainly unnecessary.

READ MORE: Thousands raised in fight against Southampton Airport runway

"Fear was used by Conservative and Liberal Democrat leadership, that without expansion, the airport would close. As said by the airport themselves during the planning meeting; this was not the case.”

However, Cllr Steven Broomfield, who represents the Conservatives in Fair Oak and Horton Heath said the party has always supported the extension. 

"We recognise that some residents have concerns about the impact but we are confident that mitigation measures proposed by the airport management will mitigate these concerns.

"The proposed extension is essential to the future of one of Eastleigh’s major employers, and a key part of the prosperity not just of Eastleigh, but of the wider economic area.

"The airport will have a key role in the forthcoming Solent Freeport, and in bringing future investment into the borough, protecting and increasing employment opportunities.

READ MORE: Southampton Airport legal challenges rejected by High Court

"We would also hope that this investment will be recognised by infrastructure improvements within the borough."

But Cllr Louise Parker-Jones, leader of the Eastleigh Independents said: "The health and well-being of residents both now and in the future is so important. 

"The Government's own climate change committee is saying there should be no airport expansion unless we are on the correct trajectory with reducing carbon emissions and we are not.

"The new technologies may come online in the next 30 years, but they are not here or at scale now."

Whilst Eastleigh Greens said the party has always been against the runway extension.

A spokesperson for the group said: "How can Eastleigh Borough Council declare a climate change and environmental emergency and yet continue to approve polluting plans.

"The story that the airport was at risk without it and that the extension is needed to 'save' the airport (a some other parties have implied) was not true, there was no evidence that the airport would go under without it. 
"The marketing strategy of 'regional connectivity' spun by the Conservatives does not rely on flying; on the contrary, if one good thing has come our of Covid 19 it's the evidence that we don't need to travel to communicate with the rest of the world. 

"Even the 'jobs' mantra cannot be guaranteed, not for local employment, nor will it be of benefit the economy as the passengers are only likely to spend a minimal amount of time in the local area."

Cllr Parker-Jones added that there should be no expansion "particularly when the health, noise and traffic congestion impacts will be so severe on local residents.”

Reform UK was approached for comment. 

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