EXPERTS from the University of Southampton will be among those advising businesses on how to cut their carbon footprints at a major tech exhibition.

The Business Innovation South Expo, the region’s annual showcase of the latest technology, has assembled an expert panel to discuss the corporate response to climate change.

There will also be an exhibitor zone featuring leading providers of eco-friendly products and services, together with researchers in environmental innovation.

The expo takes place on Wednesday, September 14, at the Lakeside North Harbour business campus in Portsmouth.

Experts on the sustainability panel include Dr Renata Konadu of the Southampton Business School at the University of Southampton.

One of the UK’s certified sustainability professionals under the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI), an independent standards organisation, Dr Konadu helps SMEs in various sectors to prepare sustainability reports for customers, staff, investors and other stakeholders.

She said: “Many companies don’t know how to measure their carbon footprint and need help to gather data on their emissions.

“Others are doing incredibly well but need training in how best to present their progress.

“Conforming to GRI standards can help focus the mind and paint a much clearer picture of where grants and loans applied for are going to be used.”

Fellow panel member David Wilshin is a carbon and procurement specialist at Auditel, a Winchester-headquartered company that helps clients achieve independent verification of carbon neutrality recognised by the British Standards Institution.

He said: “Regardless of where they are on the way to net zero, there are many sources of help for companies keen to progress.

“We will be discussing grants, government innovation subsidies underpinned by tax relief, and how to reduce indirect spend to help fund your net zero journey.

“These are all practical, robust approaches to reducing carbon emissions and highly recommended if you don’t want to be accused of greenwashing.”

Also on the panel will be Professor Ian Williams, an expert in applied environmental science at the University of Southampton; Dr Matt Montgomery, head of climate action at BCP Council; and Stephen Kirk, climate and sustainability ambassador at the Institute of Directors.

Absolar, a spin-out enterprise from the University of Southampton based on the Southampton Science Park, will be exhibiting. 

It will highlight its use of advanced technology including artificial intelligence to provide remote solar surveys that help make homes and businesses more energy efficient.

Director Nic Cory said: “The Business Innovation South Expo gives us the opportunity to showcase our work contributing to sustainable cities and communities across the south and build relationships with current and potential clients genuinely interested in creating a more sustainable business community."

Among the exhibitors making their first appearance at the expo is ferry operator Wightlink, whose representatives will discuss progress with its Green Solent Project including the use of hybrid energy systems.

Expo organiser Lara Bull said: “Given the climate crisis, achieving and demonstrating sustainability is now an essential element of corporate strategy and social responsibility, and rightly so.

“We will be highlighting the latest thinking on how to address climate change."

The event has the hashtag #BOS2022 and details are at