A SENIOR teacher has said stopping cars driving outside his school has halted repeated near-miss crashes with pupils.

Nick Humphries, deputy headteacher of Townhill Junior School, said the so-called School Streets scheme was brought in after staff were 'extremely concerned'.

The Southampton school is one of several closing roads at the start and end of the school day.

Mr Humphries said: "The area outside the school had been particularly busy for some time before this closure.

"We were extremely concerned about the children’s safety. A number of children had had near misses.

"We would very much like to see the trial become permanent now because it’s been a success.

"The feedback from the children has been overwhelmingly positive.

"The parents have also endorsed it with numerous positive comments."

READ MORE: Hampshire school street closures during drop-off times to be extended

There are three permanent School Streets - 10 are being trialled and six more have recently started a trial.

Townhill Junior School parent Katie Strange helps out by putting up the temporary road closure fences.

She said: "I do this twice a week to try and help the general safety around the school area.

"I would definitely like to see it as a permanent venture.

"The parents and children are so much calmer and so much happier."

Some concerns have been raised in the city that road closures are just diverting traffic elsewhere.

Political campaigner Andrew Pope, of Southampton Independents, said the schemes are 'simply displacing the problems to another'.

Mr Pope said: “The council claims that 80 per cent of residents support School Streets. That is definitely not the case from speaking with residents and I’ve asked a lot of residents about it.

“The issues that residents want addressed are speeding (the police’s job), parking around schools (the council’s job) and a minority of irresponsible parents around schools where the schools are not managing them (the school’s job).”

But Councillor Eamonn Keogh, cabinet member for transport and district regeneration, said: “I am incredibly grateful to all schools who have participated in the School Street trials across the city.”

Any concerns or feedback can be sent to Southampton City Council via school.streets@southampton.gov.uk

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