A 25-year-old man had his jaw broken in a brutal attack as he was walking across a Hampshire village recreation ground, it was revealed today.

He is still being treated in Southampton General Hospital while police step up the hunt for the gang who attacked him.

The victim had been walking alone across the park near the Scout Hut in Shorts Road Recreation Ground, Fair Oak when he was confronted by four youths.

They kicked and punched him to the ground and stole a number of personal items from his pockets before making off.

It happened on April 3 at around 11.15pm when the man was returning home after being at a party with a friend who had left him in nearby Campbell Way.

The youths were aged were between aged 15 and 18 and anyone with information should contact Eastligh CID on 0845 045 45 45 or Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111.