PARENTS would like more activities to prevent their teenagers binge drinking, taking drugs and having under-age sex, according to a new survey by Hampshire charity Parentline Plus.

The organisation's re-search shows many parents are desperate for more support to help them negotiate boundaries with their teenagers.

Parentline Plus, which runs the free, 24-hour confidential hotline, is now calling for more support for parents of teenagers.

As well as wanting more activities to interest their teenagers, parents also wanted schools to show greater understanding of the pressures that parents face with their children in their lives beyond school.

"Our report highlights how parents need ongoing support to negotiate difficult boundaries with their children," added Volker Buck, area manager of Parentline Plus in Hampshire.

"Particular effort needs to be made to offer support to separated parents of older and teenage children."

Parentline is available by calling 0808 800 2222. A free textphone for people who are deaf, hard of hearing or have a speech impairment is available by calling 0800 783 6783.