SEVERAL city councillors had their swansongs at the last full meeting at Winchester Guildhall before the elections on Thursday, May 1.

Among those opting to step down is Cllr Cecily Sutton, who has represented Colden Common and Twyford since 1996.

The former mayor was presented with a certificate to commemorate her time on the authority.

She said: "It's been a wonderful 12 years and I will be very sad to go. I had a really fabulous year as mayor."

Another Liberal Democrat who decided to stand down was Cllr John Beveridge, who has also spent 12 years on the council representing St Michael ward in Winchester.

The former Cabinet member for planning also accepted his certificate.

The third Liberal Democrat leaving the authority was Cllr Ernie Nunn, who has represented St Luke ward in Winchester since 2002.

He told members that he enjoyed his time on the authority, and would not be disappearing from local affairs altogether. "I'll say to the ward councillors in St Luke's, I may be standing down, but I'm not going away.

Big brother will be watching you," he joked.

Independent member Cllr Ashley Goodall, who has represented Shedfield since 2002, is also leaving the council. He was absent from the meeting and his certificate will be sent to him