FIRST there were four, then there were three - now Stumpy the duck has just two legs after his remaining spare leg fell off.

The 14-month-old drake turned heads when he was born with four legs at Warrawee Duck Farm in Copythorne.

But after losing one leg last year when he caught it on a post, Stumpy is now just a regular two-legged duck after his third leg turned black and dropped off yesterday.

Click here to watch Stumpy on video

The only remaining clues to his former condition are two small stumps where his spare legs used to be.

Owner Nicky Janaway said Stumpy has not been fazed by the loss of the third limb, which has already started to heal.

"A couple of weeks ago we noticed Stumpy's spare leg had started to change colour," Nicky said.

"We kept an eye on it but it got more and more black.

"When I got Stumpy out of bed at 6am his leg was still there, but in the afternoon it was gone.

"He has probably caught it on something while walking about the farm.

"He isn't in pain and really has no idea that it's happened."

Within weeks of his birth at the ten-acre farm, Stumpy became a star the world over after being revealed by the Daily Echo.

He has since notched up countless appearances on TV, visited dozens of schools, had official engagements and even survived a fox attack.

"Thankfully Stumpy is absolutely fine, and he's completely oblivious to the fact that he now just has two legs," Nicky added.

"We will make sure his stump doesn't get infected, and it looks like he's going to be okay.

"He's still got two pelvises, but he looks more like a normal duck than ever before.

"Where his spare legs once were there are now just stumps - so he really is Stumpy by name and Stumpy by nature!"