A MAN who carried out a potentially-fatal stabbing in a busy Southampton street over a bike has been jailed for more than four years.

A judge at Southampton Crown Court said Samuel Woodford "nearly killed" Richard Lidbetter after the two men began fighting each other in London Road on July 6 this year.

Mr Lidbetter was knifed at least three times and needed emergency surgery.

Woodford later scrambled onto the roof of a house and started hurling tiles into the back garden and the street, damaging three cars and injuring a police officer.

Daily Echo: The stabbing took place beside a raised garden about 150 metres from Southampton Crown Court.Newsquest.The stabbing took place beside a raised garden about 150 metres from Southampton Crown Court.Newsquest. (Image: Newsquest.)

Simon Walters, prosecuting, said the fight between Woodford and Mr Lidbetter took place in broad daylight.

He added: "It's accepted that the victim threw the first punch. A fistfight ensued for whatever reason and the defendant quickly resorted to producing a knife and using it several times.

"Mr Lidbetter chose not to give a statement to police but said the defendant wanted his bicycle and that's why they got into a fight."

READ MORE: Injured man in London Road had been stabbed, police confirm

Mr Walters said the victim suffered an injury to his spleen and needed an operation. He was also stabbed in his left arm and left thigh.

"Having fled the scene Woodford was located at a property in Parsonage Road. He climbed onto the roof to avoid detention and remained there for at least an hour."

PC Thomas Stark was trying to talk him down when he was struck on the arm by one of the tiles thrown by the defendant.

Daily Echo: Police sealed off parts of London Road after the stabbing.Newsquest.Police sealed off parts of London Road after the stabbing.Newsquest. (Image: Newsquest.)

Jim Osbourne, mitigating, said his client used a knife he carried for his own protection after a "pretty traumatic" time living on the streets.

Mr Osbourne added: "He has since expressed remorse and shown sympathy for the pain he caused his victim."

Judge Gary Burrell KC told Woodford he "nearly killed" Mr Lidbetter, adding: "You thought you were acting in self defence but went way over the top."

Woodford, 31, of no fixed address, had previously pleaded guilty to wounding with intent, carrying a bladed article in a public place, assaulting an emergency worker, and criminal damage.

The defendant, who has a history of violence, was jailed for four years and two months, followed by two years on licence.

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