CALLS have been made for a law-breaking councillor to step down from his position.

Ampfield and Braishfield councillor Martin Hatley was prosecuted by Test Valley Borough Council – the authority he sits on.

He breached a notice ordering him to remove building materials, goods and 20ft storage containers – leading to a criminal conviction and £1,000 fine.

Now opposition Liberal Democrats are calling for Cllr Hatley – a former mayor and vice-chairman of the planning committee – to resign.

The Tory deputy leader said a resignation would trigger a by-election costing £6,000 or end up with the seat vacant until May.

READ MORE: Former Test Valley Borough Council mayor 'very sorry' after being prosecuted

Liberal Democrat chair David Hall said: “Martin Hatley is Vice-Chairman of the Planning Committee on Test Valley Council and has many years of experience in dealing with planning matters.

“Despite this, he was successfully prosecuted by the very council he is meant to represent. It beggars belief that he still believes it is appropriate for him to continue as a councillor.

 “Our area has a good history of public servants acting with integrity, and despite what is happening at a national level, it is vital that we protect that record here in Hampshire.

“I was therefore disappointed that the local Conservative party rejected our offer to jointly call for Cllr Hatley to resign and seem happy to see him continue as a councillor. This is another example of taking their position and the people of Test Valley for granted and I hope they reconsider.

“In order to preserve trust in local politics, the Liberal Democrats are calling on Cllr Hatley to resign with immediate effect and to allow the people of Ampfield & Braishfield the opportunity to choose their representative in a by-election.

 “Cllr Hatley has let himself, his party and the residents of Test Valley down. He must now do the decent thing and resign.”

Council leader Phil North previously said Cllr Hatley was due to resign as a Conservative group member. The council’s website now lists him as an independent.

As reported, Cllr Hatley and Trevor Hatley, 74, of Baddesley Road, flouted the TVBC notice issued in July 2020 relating to a breach of planning control at land at Wheelhouse Park, North Baddesley.

The council issued a press notice on the prosecution but failed to include the defendants’ full names or indicate Cllr Hatley was a serving member of the authority.

Cllr Hatley previously told the Daily Echo, he was "very sorry".

Cllr Nick Adams-King, deputy leader of Test Valley Borough Council, said Cllr Hatley's "behaviour has fallen way below that expected of a Conservative Councillor".

He added: “As an independent member, whether he resigns as a councillor or not is a matter for him. Considering there are scheduled elections in May next year, it is our view that the cost of a by election (around £6,000 or more) would be better spent on helping our residents through these challenging times. 

“In any event the time frame is such that a likelier outcome of a resignation would be that the seat would be held vacant.

"The Local Government Act 1972 stipulates that by-elections shouldn’t be held within six months of a scheduled election. Thus resulting in the residents of Ampfield and Braishfield being without representation at TVBC until next May. 

“Having spoken informally to other Lib Dem councillors we understand that is their view too.”