A SOUTHAMPTON man smashed his girlfriend's head against his car and slammed her foot in the door during a row, a court heard.

Ajeet Singh punched his partner repeatedly as he drove them home from a night out in Portsmouth. 

The argument erupted when his now ex-partner confronted him over people he had been seeing whilst they were separated.

The 22-year-old is said to have lashed out, hitting her repeatedly.

Prosecution barrister, Emily Lanham told how the defendant bent his victim's fingers back, before she kicked out, smashing the car windscreen.

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Miss Lanham said that Singh, of Oxford Avenue, then said he was “really going to hurt [her] now” before pulling over.

When the woman tried to escape, he pulled her back into the car and slammed the door with her foot trapped inside.

Miss Lanham said that he repeatedly smashed her head, leaving her with bruising and a ripped ear where her earring was pulled out.

When Singh realised police were following his car he told his victim to “clean up”.

Following the attack in August of last year, he was charged with ABH, to which he pleaded guilty.

But mitigating, Khalid Missouri told the court it had not been a planned assault and that “they were out nightclubbing, hoping to have a good night and things got away from them”.

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He added: “He was immature and inexperienced at the time. He really did love her.

“As soon as this incident occurred, he stopped all contact with her.”

Singh, who has just begun new cash and carry business, had no previous convictions.

Judge Nicholas Rowland said the defendant treated his victim 'absolutely appallingly'

“God only knows what was going through her mind”, he added.

He jailed Singh for 12 months but suspended the sentence for 18 months.

He must do ten rehabilitation sessions, 180 hours of unpaid work and pay a £350 surcharge.

He was also handed a two-year restraining order.

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