A STALKER who 'sucks the life out of people' and left his victim physically sick has walked free from court.

Jordan Couper stalked his ex-girlfriend for more than a month, sneaking into her garden and home and turning up at her place of work.

Southampton Crown Court heard how his victim found herself being “bumped into” by Couper multiple times after he moved out in June.

On June 22, one day after his partner had called the police about him, the 30-year-old went into her garden.

He went inside her home and said he needed to talk to her. When she asked him to leave he refused.

Daily Echo: Jordan Couper outside Southampton Crown Court. 20/10/2022. Jordan Couper outside Southampton Crown Court. 20/10/2022. (Image: Newsquest)

Blocking the door with his foot, he demanded to know if she was seeing someone else.

It was only when she threatened to call police that he left.

Obsessed Couper, of Davids Court, North Baddesley, even turned up at her work - Romsey Golf Club.

When she went outside for a cigarette he approached her and accused her again of seeing other people.

But this time when she threatened to call the police, he pulled her phone out of her hand, knocking a false nail off of her finger in the process.

He fled when she flagged down a delivery driver.

Prosecuting, Alex Williams told the court how his victim had received more than 20 phone calls during this period and seen Couper outside her home when she was returning from work.

Daily Echo: Southampton Crown Court

In a statement read out in court, the victim said: “I feel this has made me. It has affected my ability to get up early.

“It made an already difficult time ending the relationship even more difficult.

“I want Jordan to be ok. I want Jordan to get help.”

Mr Williams added: “On at least two occasions he is committing these offences while aware the police are investigating him.”

But mitigating, Khalid Missouri said Couper, who works at the city's docks, hasn’t committed any offences for the past seven years.

“He planned to live the rest of his life with her. He didn’t want it to end," he said.

“He accepts he has behaved appallingly. He is not in contact with her.”

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Mr Missouri added that Couper had already served 20 days in custody.

But Judge Peter Henry told Couper the dock worker that his previous convictions are “significant” because they involve domestic violence.

“You have been put on a community order before with a programme. It doesn’t appear to have had much effect.

“Some of these incidents made her physically sick. You suck the life out of other people.”

Couper appeared at Southampton Crown Court on Thursday after pleading guilty to assault by beating and stalking.

He was handed a two-year community order with a 10-day rehabilitation activity requirement.

He must also carry out 120 hours of unpaid work and abide by a restraining order banning him from contacting his ex-partner for the next five years.

Judge Henry added: “If you breach it and are resentenced then the time you spent in custody previously will not count.”

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