TWO cabins in a national park can be built despite local opposition.

The log cabins, at Kingsmead, Wickham, had objections from Soberton Parish Council and residents.

They cited reasons such as the increase in traffic and potential security problems. 

However, Winchester City Council's planning committee approved the development at a meeting on October 19.

A spokesman for Soberton Parish Council said: “The parish council maintains its objection to this application. We still have concerns regarding the site access, particularly as HCC has noted that visibility is substandard. Kingsmead is a small rural road but very close to the A32, consequently we consider that the addition of traffic movements in and out of this location, combined with movement by non-motorised users along the road, is unsafe. We are also concerned about increased lighting in this rural area.”

Objector Jane Denley said: “These logs cabins will set a precedent for surrounding areas. There are plenty of other places for people to stay, in this part of the national park. It will result in a severe loss of amenity for long-standing residents. There could be litter, noise and security problems as it will be an unmanned site. It will be unsafe and environmentally unsustainable.”

Caroline Jezeph spoke in support of the application. She said: “The log cabins will only have two bedrooms. They will be too small to accommodate larger parties. They are suitable for couples and small families.”

Cllr Jane Rutter said: “I'm very aware of the concerns of the local residents. The cabins will, I'm sure, be closely monitored. The owners will want good relations with the neighbours. I'm happy to support the recommendations.”

Cllr Frank Pearson said: “I'm very aware of the attractions of this location. I understand the neighbour's concerns, but the cabins are very small. I reluctantly support it, but I don't like it.”

Cllr Therese Evans, the committee's chairman, said: “I can't see a reason to not grant planning permission.”

The committee agreed to permit the plan unanimously.