CAN YOU see what is wrong with this sign on a residential road?

Eagle-eyed residents spotted the error on the give-way sign in Lobelia Road, which is currently subject to roadworks.

Council workers are installing speed humps on the road along with double yellow lines.

There will also be a give-way system which may be hindered if the sign is not corrected.

Daily Echo: Can you see what is wrong with this road sign in Southampton?Can you see what is wrong with this road sign in Southampton? (Image: Maya George, Newsquest)

The sign may seem inconspicuous, but it shows the incorrect arrows for the give-way system.

It instructs motorists to 'give way to oncoming vehicles' but the oncoming arrow is small and is supposed to be the large arrow on the sign.

Cars from the other direction have priority but this sign contradicts itself by suggesting otherwise. 

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Christine Maros, who previously called for speed humps in the area, said: “I am hoping they change the sign.

“A lot of people find it quite bizarre that the council could even make the mistake in the first place.

“It could have been somebody young or new who has been in the job just for a short time.

“But I’m very happy that this work is being done as it does make a difference. It’s a major rat run so hopefully this will deter people from the estate.

“Hopefully the sign will be changed before the road reopens.”

Daily Echo:

Ron Morris, 64, said mistakes like these “don’t help.”

The Bassett Green Road resident said: “I am glad the humps have been put in but when they do things like this, it doesn’t help.

“I am not really surprised that it happened. It’s the sort of thing I would pick up on.”

Fellow resident Pip added: “I suppose the sign is easily fixed and hopefully what the sign was made for will improve the situation.

“The sign did surprise me but it is quite funny.”

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Southampton City Council said the sign is "a manufacturer error".

A spokesperson said: "We are awaiting delivery of the correct signage, however there are delays due to it being so close to Christmas.

"If the sign does not arrive tomorrow, a bag will be placed over the incorrect sign and A-frame signs will be positioned in their place, to enable the road to be opened once the site equipment has been cleared.

"We would like to thank residents for their input into all the safety measures and for their patience whilst we rectify this issue."

Cllr Lorna Fielker, Cabinet Member for Health, Adults and Leisure said: “Residents living in the Flower Roads have been concerned about cars speeding on the estate. Although speeding is down to driver behaviour, we want to do what we can to help keep our communities safe.”

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