A PLAYSCHOOL where children "weren't protected" has bounced back after a damning report.

Hamble Village Playschool was previously rated 'inadequate' by Ofsted following an inspection.

But just months later, the community-run playschool is boasting a new 'good' rating.

In June, inspectors slammed the playschool at Memorial Hall on High Street.

They found that children were "not adequately protected" and recruitment procedures are "not robust".

However, the school was reinspected on November 7, and inspectors found that children "behave well and are happy and safe".

The report says that the manager has "worked closely" with staff and the committee to implement the actions and recommendations made at the last inspection.

Inspectors found that the manager ensures that all statutory requirements are now met.

She has also improved the oversight of the setting and the quality of children's learning and development.

The report said: "The special educational needs coordinator has a very good understanding of her role and responsibilities.

"She works closely with children, parents, staff and other agencies to identify and reduce gaps in children's development.

"The manager makes good use of additional funding to meet children's individual needs."

Inspectors noted that staff "follow the manager's positive example of good practice" and are "very attentive" to children's individual needs.

Staff make sure that children's favourite activities are always available and encourage them to make choices and enjoy learning.

Staff have improved how they support children's independence, the report said. 

Inspectors said that the manager and staff" support children and their families very well.

The report said that children behave well and learn good manners.

They wait patiently for their turn to wash their hands before eating. 

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