Oil is leaking into Southampton Water due to a spillage at the Fawley Marine Terminal.

ExxonMobil has confirmed a spillage near its jetty in Fawley. 

The situation is ongoing with the refinery operator taking 'remedial works'.

Witnesses have reported four boats taking part in a clean-up operation. 

A spokesperson for the oil firm said: "We are responding to a small release of oil that was contained at the Fawley Marine Terminal.

"As a precaution, we have observation boats in the area while we take necessary remedial work."

The Daily Echo has asked how much oil has leaked and when the incident started.

An ABP Spokesperson added: “As the relevant port authority, we understand that the oil spill at Fawley Marine Terminal has been contained. We will provide support to the terminal operator, as they work to investigate the cause of the incident.”