MORE than 1,000 nurses went on strike in Southampton, a hospital boss has revealed.

University Hospital Southampton chief executive David French told a board meeting some 1,091 nurses took industrial action over two days last month.

Around 695 walked out on January 18 and 703 the following day - with 300 staff on strike on both days.

Bosses had agreed to more than 100 strike action exemptions to cover inpatients with night-time staffing cover, and bank holiday levels of staffing for assessment areas.

This led to staffing levels being at a "bare minimum," a report said.

READ MORE: Big nurses' strike rally in Southampton as Pat Cullen visits

Exemptions also included elective operations, cancer and for emergency surgery, trauma, paediatric and neurosurgery.

In a report, Mr French said: "A number of derogated areas were not supported, which resulted in the cancellation of some additional activity.

"Although activity was reduced, we did maintain the majority of high complexity urgent work.

"Total activity lost and reported to NHS England over the two days was 37 inpatient operations, 182 day cases (including infusions, endoscopy etc) and 1,650 outpatient appointments."

He added: "The RCN was clear it would not consider derogations for outpatient areas. However, where safe and possible, we tried to continue running outpatients, and ran approximately 75 per cent of a normal day’s outpatient activity.

"Clinics went ahead except where a nurse was essential to support the clinic or where it was a nurse-led clinic and the individual had indicated that they will or might strike."

Mr French said the trust had "worked positively with the local RCN strike committee".

Staff ran briefing sessions with 850 people telling them they are "one nursing family" and that union members' right to strike should be respected but also said "staff may choose not to do so".

Further strike action took place on February 6 and 7.

As reported, one nurse was spat at by a lout who challenged the striking workforce on the picket line at Tremona Road.

RCN members took action over pay, working conditions and staffing ratios.

Nurses will walk out again between March 1-3.