ONE of Hampshire's top private schools is celebrating the outcome of its latest inspection.

Representatives from Independent School Standards (ISI) visited the 100-acre Walhampton School, near Lymington, and confirmed it met all the required standards.

Walhampton, which charges up to £6,790 a term, is a co-ed day and boarding school that was founded in the late 1940s.

Most of its 359 pupils live locally while others come from elsewhere in the UK or overseas. Former students include Lord Montagu of Beaulieu and his sister, Mary Montagu-Scott.

Daily Echo: Walhampton headteacher Jonny Timms with three of the pupilsWalhampton headteacher Jonny Timms with three of the pupils (Image: Walhampton School)

During their visit, ISI inspectors interviewed staff and some of the pupils as well as sitting in on lessons.

Their report says: "The teaching enables pupils to make good progress, encompasses effective behaviour management and is supported by suitable resources.

"A suitable framework for the assessment of pupils’ performance is in place.

"Principles and values are actively promoted which facilitate the personal development of pupils as responsible, tolerant, law-abiding citizens.

"Arrangements are made to safeguard the welfare of pupils by means that pay due regard to current statutory guidance; good behaviour is promoted; bullying is prevented so far as reasonably practicable."

Daily Echo: Horse riding is one of the activities available to pupils at Walhampton School, near LymingtonHorse riding is one of the activities available to pupils at Walhampton School, near Lymington (Image: Walhampton School)

The report says a raft of information is made available to parents, inspectors and the Department for Education.

It includes details about the school's arrangements for admission, behaviour, bullying, health and safety, and first aid, plus data about the complaints procedure and the number of complaints registered.

"Parental complaints, if any, are handled effectively through a three-stage process.

"The proprietor ensures leadership and management demonstrate good skills and knowledge, and fulfil their responsibilities effectively, so that the other standards are consistently met, and they actively promote the well-being of the pupils."

Daily Echo: Pupils at Walhampton School, near Lymington, take part in a science lessonPupils at Walhampton School, near Lymington, take part in a science lesson (Image: Walhampton School)

The ISI's verdict was welcomed by the headteacher, Jonny Timms, who has been in post since 2021.

He said: "To meet ISI standards and requirements across all areas is a testament to the expertise and hard work of our staff and their ongoing commitment to helping children achieve their personal best.

"We are immensely proud of our children, who are curious to learn and achieve in all manner of ways across the curriculum.

"While we are delighted with the ISI endorsement, we remain permanently motivated to provide the best education for our children so that they leave us with academic achievement, personal fulfilment and the desire to make a difference in the world."