A PAEDOPHILE who kept indecent images on his phone, including of him abusing a child, tried to meet a 14-year-old boy at a railway station.

Robert Pell struck up an online conversation with a person he believed to be a 14-year-old boy.

The 57-year-old arranged to meet them at Fareham Railway Station but upon arrival, he was met by police officers.

After being arrested, his phone was seized and officers discovered 80 indecent images of children, including images Pell had taken of himself abusing a child.

Officers identified and immediately safeguarded the child, before charging Pell with two counts of taking an indecent photograph of a child, and one count of sexual activity with a child under the age of 13.

He was also charged with attempting to engage in sexual communication with a child and attempting to meet a boy under 16 years of age following grooming.

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Appearing at Portsmouth Magistrates’ Court in January, Pell admitted all of the offences.

Today, Pell, of Titchfield, was jailed for four years.

He was also made subject to a lifelong Sexual Harm Prevention Order, and must sign on the sex offenders register for life.

His arrest came after a joint investigation by police in Hampshire and the South East Regional Organised Crime Unit (SEROCU).

PC David Sloan, from Hampshire & Isle of Wight Constabulary’s Child Abuse Investigation Team, said: "Pell’s crimes are nothing short of horrendous.

"He willingly arranged to meet with someone who he believed to be a child following a period of grooming, and the evidence that police uncovered throughout the subsequent investigation proved that he had already been actively involved in the sexual abuse of a child.

"This man poses a clear risk to children.

"I hope that the efforts of police and Pell’s subsequent jail sentence provides some reassurance to the community that we will do everything in our power, and use every tactic available, to identify perpetrators of child abuse, safeguard those affected, and bring offenders to justice."

Detective Constable Colin Haynes, of SEROCU, said: “SEROCU officers worked closely in collaboration with Hampshire & Isle of Wight Constabulary to ensure a thorough investigation was carried out and that Pell was brought before a court to face the consequences of his abhorrent crimes.”

Anyone who has experienced abuse in childhood or is concerned about a child can contact the NSPCC helpline confidentially on 0808 800 5000 or email help@nspcc.org.uk. Children can contact Childline on 0800 1111.