A TEENAGER walked into school and told one of her friends "I've just been raped", a court heard.

Jurors at Southampton Crown Court were shown a video of an interview the friend gave police after an incident alleged to have taken place in the Totton area on a September afternoon last year.

The friend said a fellow pupil arrived at the school at around 2.40pm and "didn't look right".

READ MORE: Totton: Denis Kadena accused of raping teenage girl

She said the other girl told her: "I've just been raped. This old guy came up to me. He took me somewhere and started touching me."

The interviewee added: "She looked really messy. Her hair was everywhere and she looked as if she had been crying.

"She said 'I feel dirty - I just want to go home and take a shower'. She was shaking."

Appearing via video link another pupil at the school told the court: "She just looked an utter mess."

In a statement read to the court by Simon Jones, prosecuting, the headteacher said they rang 999 after being told what had happened.

Referring to the alleged victim, another member of staff said: "She was crying. She didn't want anyone around her.

"My role was to reassure her that she had done the right thing by coming back into school and seeking an adult.

"She said it was all her fault because she'd left school and got into his van."

Responding to questions put to her by Mr Jones she said the alleged victim displayed a variety of emotions.

"She went from being noticeably upset and visibily anxious to laughing things off as well as being quite calm and stoic."

Kadena, of Yorke Street in Southsea, denies two charges of rape and one charge of sexual assault.

The trial continues.