A man accused of rape searched ‘Southampton kids crime’ to see if his alleged offences had been reported in the local media.

Denis Kadena searched Google using his iPhone on the evening after he allegedly raped a teenage girl, Southampton Crown Court heard.

Prosecuting, Simon Jones said: “You have told us that although you live in Portsmouth, you have Southampton news on your phone.

“You clicked onto ‘Southampton police news’ that evening.

“You then clicked onto ‘news, Hampshire Constabulary.’

"Later, you went onto ‘Southampton news’ and then searched ‘Southampton kids’ crime.’

“You were worried the victim reported you to the police and you wanted to check if you made the news.

“You were looking to see if she had reported you for rape. You used the word ‘kids’ because you knew the victim was a child.”

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Giving evidence in court, Kadena, 33, denied the claims.

He said: “I had seen some news about drug dealing teenagers on the news before noon that day, so I wanted to get an update on that.

“I was randomly clicking and I was taken from one website to another.

“I didn’t have any idea of what it was.

“I returned home and felt anxious about the fact I cheated on my wife.”

In response, Mr Jones said: “Your explanation about the Southampton drug dealing article is a lie to the jury.”

READ MORE: Schoolgirl told friend 'I've just been raped,' trial told

Jurors heard how Kadena ‘asked her if she felt like having sex’ 15 minutes after meeting the complainant.

He said: “I asked ‘do you feel like having sex, or something else?’

“She smiled and said ‘yes, I want to have sex.’”

Mr Jones said: “The truth is you knew from the moment you got her into your van that you were going to rape her.

“And you told the police a series of lies [when you were interviewed].

“You were shown a picture of the victim, and when asked if you had seen her before, you said no.

“Then you were asked if you had ever had sex with this girl and you said no.

“You lied with the photo in front of you and you’re lying now.”

The alleged attack took place in the Totton area last September.

Kadena, of Yorke Street in Southsea, denies two charges of rape and one charge of sexual assault.

The trial continues.