A convicted paedophile was caught with more than 8,000 indecent images of children as young as three.

Gary Dowden was found with pictures and videos on multiple devices when police raided his home.

The 32-year-old failed to tell officers about a new phone despite being subject to a sexual harm prevention order (SHPO) he was given for a previous offence.

Officers who searched his devices found a total of 8,465 indecent images including 1,926 category A images – the most serious type.

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Prosecuting, Leigh Hart said the photos depicted children as young as three being abused.

Dowden of Mescott Meadows, Hedge End, gave no comment during his police interview.

He pleaded guilty to three counts of making indecent photographs of children as well as breaching an SHPO for owning the phone.

The defendant, who has four previous convictions for 24 offences - including making or distributing indecent images - appeared at Southampton Crown Court on Friday for sentencing.

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Mitigating, Keely Harvey said her client had been “very open and honest” and had “indicated his guilty plea very early on”.

“He always accepted that these images would be found.”

She said he was surprised by the number of images that were found adding that her client “needs some help”.

Judge Brian Forster KC, said: “It is a bad case because of the number of class A images.

“This case must be seen against the background of your previous offending.

“This was a deliberate breach. You were fully aware of the terms of your order.

“There is no doubt that the possession of these images falls within the most serious category.”

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Dowden, who was produced from custody, was given a total of 24 months in prison as well as an indefinite sexual harm prevention order.

He must also abide by notification requirements for the next 10 years.

A further order was made for the forfeiture and destruction of his phone and devices.

Judge Forster added: “I hope he can get through this and make more of his life in future.”