A HOMELESS woman who was caught carrying scalpel blades and a metal bar in Westquay has been jailed.

Charlotte Piper was searched at the shopping centre over suspicions she had been stealing.

She was found with a metal pole which she carried for protection, a court heard.

But after being arrested and taken into custody, officers also found scalpel blades.

The 24-year-old said she needed those to cut her hair as she lived on the streets.

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Daily Echo: Westquay shopping centre.Westquay shopping centre.

Piper, of no fixed abode, was originally due to be sentenced in January.

But after the judge took a “merciful” approach, the case was deferred to May.

Despite this, Piper was ordered back to court on Tuesday after her sentence was brought forward following a lack of compliance with a community order.

Prosecuting, Aleks Lloyd said Piper had been using £100 of heroin and £150 of crack cocaine daily.

He added that it is “not the first time she has been caught in possession of bladed articles”.

But mitigating, Keely Harvey described her client as a “very vulnerable young woman” adding that “it has been a torrid life she has led thus far”.

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Referring to the previously deferred sentence, she added: “She needs some help. She was given a chance. She didn’t feel able to take it and here we are.”

Ms Harvey also said Piper had not stolen anything before being searched at Westquay on December 11 last year.

However, Judge Peter Henry told the defendant: “I’m afraid you have only got yourself to blame for the position you are in.

“It is up to you to get off drugs. You may be vulnerable but if you don’t take the help that is offered, the court has no alternative.”

Piper had previously pleaded guilty to possession of an offensive weapon and possession of a knife blade / sharp pointed article.

She also admitted breaching a community order.

She was jailed for 53 weeks.