A NURSERY once branded 'unhygienic' has been given a new Ofsted rating of 'good' after a recent inspection.

Play Away Day Nursery in West End was slapped with the lowest possible rating in December when it was labelled 'inadequate'.

But now, the Chapel Road nursery has been reinspected and has been given a rating of 'good' in all four categories.

In December, inspectors said that babies were being "put at risk" and found that staff did not follow policies with regard to babies' safe sleeping arrangements and meeting children's dietary requirements at mealtimes.

The report also found that older children wash their hands and faces at lunchtime and then use the same cloths to wipe the tables and then wipe their faces again.

The re-inspection of the nursery, which had 128 children aged between 0 and four-year-old on roll at the time, took place on March 6.

It said staff have "significantly improved the quality" of children's care and learning.

"They have worked hard to successfully meet the actions and recommendations made at the last inspection.

"For instance, they have improved hygiene practice, followed guidance for babies' sleep times and ensured procedures for serving food to children with allergies are followed at all times."

They described staff as having " a secure knowledge and understanding of children's individual needs", adding that managers have "improved the opportunities" for staff to access additional training.

Inspectors described staff as "good role models" claiming that they communicate well with the children.

Managers and staff "strive" to involve parents to provide continuity in children's learning and development, the report said.

Since the last inspection, they have extended the book-lending library to all age groups of children and staff have received positive feedback from parents that they enjoy reading to their children at home.

Children at the setting have been described as "happy, active, inquisitive learners". 

The atmosphere in the nursery was described as "inviting and welcoming" to children and parents.