A thug grabbed his girlfriend's thumbs and twisted so hard he broke her wrist and then told her: "You're being a drama queen."

'Paranoid' Joe Lovett smashed a phone on his girlfriend's nose, and pushed her over - leaving her having to use crutches for six weeks.

Southampton Crown Court heard Lovett - who has avoided jail - carried out a series of 'excruciating' attacks as their relationship deteriorated and they argued. 

Lovett, 34, had launched into an argument with the victim at the end of 2021. This saw him ‘push her to the floor’, resulting in her needing crutches for six weeks.

Subsequent attacks saw him ‘twist’ the complainant’s hands so hard they turned blue, and ‘smashing’ her phone on her nose.

Prosecuting, James Kellan said: “This is a case of domestic abuse.

“Against the background of their deteriorating relationship, there was an argument.

“The complainant packed a bag and made to leave when she was pushed over by the defendant.

“She sustained damage to her knee which left her on crutches and needing physiotherapy.

“Later, they argued again about messages found on another... phone. The defendant struck her face using her phone.

“In July last year, the defendant twisted both the complainant’s thumbs hard, causing serious pain and fractures to her wrist.”

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At a magistrates' court trial, Lovett denied inflicting grievous bodily harm, and two counts of causing actual bodily harm. He was found guilty in December. 

At the crown court sentencing, the victim said Lovett regularly took her phone 'as part of his control'.

She said: “He always used to accuse me of cheating on him and he’d regularly take my phone.

“He was loud and screaming and he smashed my phone across the bridge of my nose.

“He started getting paranoid and accused me of cheating. One time I tried to get my phone back and he grabbed hold of me and twisted my wrist and thumbs.

“It was excruciating. My hands were blue and swollen, I couldn’t move them.

“He told me ‘you’re being a drama queen, there’s nothing wrong with you.’

“You wouldn’t do that to someone you love.”

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Keely Harvey, who cross-examined the victim at the sentencing hearing, said she had people “keeping an eye" on Lovett.

The barrister said: “You had become paranoid about him and you were having people keep an eye on him.

“And you went back to him a couple of days after the first incident.

“The injury [sustained by the phone] was not caused by him at all.

“You didn’t go to the police immediately because you started to question what actually happened.

“These are incidents you have reported, perhaps not fully aware of the facts because you had drunk and taken drugs on an occasion.

“If he was being as violent as you suggest he was, why would you go back to him?”

But the victim said: “I went back because I loved him. More fool me.”