A CHEF with a self-declared fetish for women's underwear was caught in the act upskirting a stranger at a bus stop.

Disgraceful Paul Woodley was in The Avenue, Southampton, when a passing motorist spotted him using his phone to look up a woman's skirt.

The motorist honked his horn and then got out and chased down Woodley, 53, who had started to flee from the 'shocked and worried' victim.

When challenged, Woodley told the man he knew what he was doing was wrong and added: “I’ve had a few beers.”

The victim had boarded a bus and left the area.

READ MORE: In the dock: Seven cases heard in at Southampton Magistrates' Court

Police were called and Woodley admitted he has a “fetish for women’s underwear,” had been drinking on a daily basis - and had upskirted women three times previously.

Woodley was initially given a conditional caution but when he didn’t pay the £75 he was prosecuted instead.

Prosecuting, Natalie Angel told Southampton Magistrates' Court how he sometimes wears women’s clothing and had been drinking daily at the time.

But mitigating, Louise Morgan said he has “made full and frank admissions” and has “always accepted his criminality”.

She said: “This is a serious offence. He has engaged fully with the probation service. He has been extremely honest and open with them.”

Daily Echo: Paul Woodley outside Southampton Magistrates' Court. 12/4/23Paul Woodley outside Southampton Magistrates' Court. 12/4/23 (Image: Newsquest)

Ms Morgan said Woodley, of Daisy Road, Southampton, had been living with his parents, but after they both died he was left by himself and unable to manage his finances.

She said: “Not only has he lost both of his parents in quick succession but he does not know how to manage his money any longer.”

The court was also told that Woodley, who worked as a chef, has racked up £1,500 in unpaid council tax as well as other bills. This is why he could not pay the £75 caution, the court heard.

He admitted operating equipment beneath clothing of another without consent and appeared in court on Wednesday for sentencing.

Magistrate John Moore said this was a “very serious offence”.

Speaking directly to Woodley, who was visibly upset, he added: “This whole reaction in court tells us you understand that.”

He was given an 11-month community order including 15 rehabilitation activity requirement days and 60 hours of unpaid work.

He must also pay court costs of £40 and a surcharge of £114.