A DAD got so drunk on his way to St Mary's that police were forced to ask stadium staff to look after his sobbing six-year-old daughter, a court heard.

Lee Barnes was singing, shouting and hurling abuse while on his way to the Saints v Arsenal game on October 23 when he was spotted on CCTV.

Southampton Magistrates' Court heard how the 34-year-old was seen in the city centre “unsteady on his feet” alongside his daughter.

Prosecutor Varun Chuni said he could be seen walking off the pavement and in front of a car.

At one point Barnes was sitting down with his eyes closed next to his “visibly upset and crying” daughter.

The pair continued on to the stadium with Barnes shouting and singing.

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The prosecution said some of the verbal abuse was directed at his daughter - something Barnes denied in court - but was stopped from doing this by police.

When asked how much he had to drink, he answered “loads, absolutely loads”, slurring as he spoke.

Officers continued to question him, leading to him becoming “irritated” and directing abuse at the officer despite his daughter pleading: “Dad, calm”.

Amid abuse from Barnes, an officer took the child away and put her in the care of stadium staff.

Barnes of Langdown Road, Hythe, was arrested but given a conditional caution ordering him to pay £75 and attend a course.

But after not attending, he was prosecuted and admitted to being drunk in charge of a child under seven and a public order offence.

Barnes has two previous convictions for criminal damage and a racially-aggravated public order offence.

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Barnes - who wore an England football shirt in court - told magistrates he was “very apologetic” adding “there is no way on earth” he would say those things to his daughter.

He said he could not pay for the course linked to the conditional caution. He said: “I did not have £75 to pay to attend it.”

Magistrate Gary Chant said this was a "shocking episode where a six-year-old young child suffered".

Addressing Barnes, he said: “The actions that you took put your daughter in danger. You crossed the road in front of a moving car.

“You keep saying that you can’t remember, but that is down to alcohol.”

Barnes, who is self-employed, was given a fine of £699 for the two offences.

He was also ordered to pay £85 court costs and a £280 surcharge.

Southampton drew 1-1 against Arsenal on the day.