THESE are the faces of the criminals that have been sentenced in Southampton.

In just over two weeks, April has already proven to be a busy month for the Southampton courts.

Murderers, fraudsters, and abusers are just some of the people who have been sentenced this month.

Here is a round-up of the court cases in Southampton in April.

Richard Shaw

Richard Shaw was jailed for a minimum of 30-years after he murdered Southampton grandmother Lorraine Mills.

The 63-year-old was attacked in her Millbrook home last year following an argument with Shaw.

He stabbed her in the back, chest and neck as she attempted to defend herself.

Read the full story here.

Charlotte Piper

Charlotte Piper was found carrying scalpel blades and a metal bar in Westquay.

The 24-year-old said she needed those to cut her hair as she lived on the streets.

She was jailed for 53 weeks. 

Read the full story here

Paul Woodley

Daily Echo: Paul WoodleyPaul Woodley (Image: Daily Echo, Timothy Edgley)

Paul Woodley was in The Avenue, Southampton, when a passing motorist spotted him using his phone to look up a woman's skirt.

The 53-year-old declared in court that he has a fetish for women's underwear.

Woodley was initially given a conditional caution but when he didn’t pay the £75 he was prosecuted instead.

He was given an 11-month community order including 15 rehabilitation activity requirement days and 60 hours of unpaid work.

Read the full story here

Ian Crabb

Daily Echo: Ian Crabb outside Southampton Magistrates' Court Ian Crabb outside Southampton Magistrates' Court (Image: Daily Echo, Timothy Edgley)

Ian Crabb shared naked photos of his former boss in a Facebook group. 

The 49-year-old reffered to him as a "porn star" following the incident. 

Crabb was given a six-month community order with up to 15 rehabilitation activity requirement days.

Read the full story here.

Katie Wilson-Dean

Daily Echo: Katie Wilson-DeanKatie Wilson-Dean (Image: NQ)

Katie Wilson-Dean, a former council worker, used her mum's expired blue badge to park in a disabled bay outside her work. 

She lost her job after she was caught using the badge without her 77-year-old cancer sufferer mum's knowledge. 

Wilson-Dean later lied to the officer by saying she parked in the disabled bay to pick her mum up from a dentist appointment and had just turned up on the wrong day.

Wilson-Dean was ordered to pay £120 for the guilty plea, a £48 victim surcharge, and £135 to Eastleigh Borough Council.

Read the full story here.

Joe Lovett

Daily Echo: Joe Lovett leaving Southampton Crown CourtJoe Lovett leaving Southampton Crown Court (Image: Daily Echo, Maya George)

Joe Lovett broke his girlfriend's wrist and told her: "You're being a drama queen". 

The 34-year-old smashed a phone on his girlfriend's nose, and pushed her over - leaving her having to use crutches for six weeks.

Subsequent attacks saw him ‘twist’ the complainant’s hands so hard they turned blue, and ‘smashing’ her phone on her nose.

He was handed a 12 month prison sentence, suspended for 18 months.

He must also pay £2,000 in compensation to the victim. 

Read the full story here.